Day: July 17, 2019

Background Briefing: Test

Will Trump Be Able to Kill the Post Service Before November to Stop Mail-in Ballots?

We begin with the Republicans’ on-going efforts to destroy the post office which Trump has accelerated by putting in an unqualified crony as postmaster general to make sure mail-in ballots are either not delivered or are delivered late. Lisa Graves, the Executive Director of the new report “The Billionaire Behind Efforts to Kill the U.S. Post Office”. A Former Deputy Attorney General in the Justice Department, Chief Counsel for Nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee and Deputy Chief of the Article 3 judges division of the U.S. Courts, she has uncovered how the 50 year long dream of the billionaire Charles Koch to privatize the Post Office is coming close to being realized. With Trump’s appointment of the new postmaster general Louis DeJoy who has already ordered mail-carriers to slow down deliveries, the writing appears to be on the wall for a deathblow to the USPS after decades of sabotage from Republicans in Congress doing the Koch to privatize the Post Office is coming close to being realized.