Tag: kurds

Background Briefing: March 2, 2021


The “Christian” GOP Celebrates a Sexual Harasser While the Democrats Show Cuomo the Door

We begin with the deepening trouble New York Governor Cuomo finds himself in as a third young woman comes forth with evidence of his unwanted sexual overtures. Christina Giorgio, a lawyer based in Manhattan who represents victims of sexual harassment, joins us to discuss the fate of a leading Democratic politician many saw as a potential presidential candidate and the familiar pattern of older men in power pressuring younger and powerless women for sexual favors in the workplace. We look into the glaring double standard where the party of “Christian” family values worships an avowed sexual harasser who boasts about grabbing women by the private parts in contrast to the Democrats who appear to have a zero tolerance towards sexual harassment having sacrificed Senator Al Franken over an exaggerated incident that took place on a USO tour before he was a senator which was clearly a political hit job orchestrated by right-wing Republican activists.


A Plan to Save Democracies From Kleptocracies by Going After Dirty Money

Then we speak with Trevor Sutton, a Senior Fellow for National Security and International Policy at the Center for American Progress who advised the U.N. on anti-corruption issues and was a presidential management fellow in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He joins us to discuss a new report he co-authored at the Center for American Progress, “Turning the Tide on Dirty Money: Why the World’s Democracies Need a Global Kleptocracy Initiative.” 


The Brave and Inspiring Kurdish Women Warriors Who Fought ISIS

Then finally we are joined by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, the author of the New York Times bestseller Ashley’s War who has spoken on national security topics at the Aspen Security Forum, Clinton Global Initiative, and TED. She joins us to discuss her new book, just out, The Daughters of Kobani: A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice which is about the brave women of an all-female Kurdish militia who fought against ISIS while fighting for women’s rights and faced the savagery of those who murder, rape, enslave and sell women.